Posted by: dingwallp6 | October 1, 2007

Our Enterprise Project – Mrs Hygiene Queen

[rockyou id=85841075&w=426&h=320]

Last year we did an enterprise project because we wanted to make something that we could  sell at our May Fair and make profit. Mrs Jamieson had a friend who had a kitchen cloth dolly which she showed us. We thought we could do our own version and then sell them.

First we needed to decide the name of our company and the doll.We decided we would call our company Kool Kids Krafts and the doll, Mrs Hygiene Queen.

 Next we chose some pupils to go down the street and price the materials.Then we worked out what was the cheapest shop to buy the products from.

When we got the materials we began to make the dolls but first we took the doll apart to find out how it was put together. When we had done that,we sorted out who was doing what job and then we  started to make them. Our class looked like a factory while we were making them.

Our hardest job by far, was pricing the dolls because if we made them too expensive   nobody would buy them and if we made them too cheap we wouldn’t make a profit.


  1. Hi!! This is a really good slide show. I really like the tv screen! Well Done!

  2. mrs hygiene Queen is a good product. i like the way you guys used red stickers for the mouth and blue for the eyes.

  3. I think that mrs hygiene queen is great
    (I helped run the stall)

  4. you all look like you put looks of work into it all..well done ..

  5. you all look like you put lots of work into it all.. well done ..x

  6. Mrs Hygiene Queen still has pride of place in my kitchen – I could never take her apart just to do some cleaning!

  7. this site still looks wicked even from Florida 🙂 🙂 🙂

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